How does your Life wheel measure up?
I came across this concept when I began evaluating my own life over 18 months ago and it helped me enormously back then so I thought I would share it with you.
I literally got out a piece of paper and a pen and drew a big circle in the middle.
I split it up in sections; Relationships, Career, Finances, Love & Joy, Health and Giving.
Relationships with family, partner, child, friends and my relationship with myself, Career and feeling fulfilled and really loving what I do, Finances and my income, what I can afford, what do I want that I can’t afford? Love and Joy, feeling love for everyone, feeling joy every day and how often I feel down, anxious or flat, Health, what is my health like, what do I do to take care of my body, my spirit and my mind, how healthy am I really on all levels? Or am I really neglecting a part of me and Giving. What do I feel I am contributing back to the world, to others, to humanity?
It was only when I sat down and wrote what my current circumstances and feelings were in each section that I began to see clearly the ones that needed attention.
I noticed I had so much writing in certain areas and could barely think of what I was even doing about changing and improving these other parts of my life.
I really have developed this concept of evaluating your ‘Life wheel’ because it’s only when you are straight out truthfully honest with yourself and you put pen to paper that you will see with your own eyes where your life is working in some areas and where your life needs improving in others areas. I had someone come up to me in a seminar we hosted and she was in quite a state of shock stating ‘My life wheel really sucks.’ I smiled and said, “Well the great thing is that now you know where you want to improve in your life and there is a simple way to do it.”
Sometimes we have some plates spinning in our lives; it could be relationships and health but our income not so much. Or sometimes we have the income and career spinning but our relationships and joy is not there. I honestly believe that when you have all of these areas in your life going, you are truly living an abundant life.
I would really urge you to evaluate the above highlighted key areas in your life and rate yourself out of 10 in those areas. Are you fulfilled in those areas or is there room for improvement. The most important question you need to ask yourself is.. “Do I really want to improve these areas in my life?”
If you answered YES and you are ready, then click here fill in your details and get ready to Astonish yourself!!