I started my own network marketing business in February 2015 & it went off with a bang in the first 2 months & then I sat stagnant at the same level for nearly a year. I knew I needed to do something different. I was so grateful a friend led me to a Matt & Nat Mindset session & found the missing link was my mind!! I immediately started Thinking Into Results & my results in my business, at work & at home have changed dramatically. By setting my goals & believing I can do anything, I have done so many things I never thought possible. I have travelled more in the last 12 months than in the last 10 years, I have cut back a day at work & looking to cut back further shortly, we have bought a new block to build our dream home on but the best thing of all is the positive things that are coming out of my 4 years olds mouth! I have just started repeating the program three weeks ago & I’m so excited to see what new goals I can achieve in the near future. Thank you Matt & Nat. I will be forever grateful to you both for changing my life.
by admin | Mar 14, 2022